...dunno what to tell ya about the ring thingy. My experience with mz ribit is that anything I buy for her to wear gets returned. She must not like cammo nor flannel.
...which brings me to the solution to a problem ya pointed out earlier this week. Seems ya had to buy dirt by the bag, open all the bags and put it in a wheelbarrow, roll it all over the yard and not just carry a bag to where ya needed it and emptied out how much ya needed. Solution obvious dunno why we didn't see it sooner.
...most women like to buy stuff and return stuff and exchange stuff. I have seen mz ribit stand in line four hours to return a two dollar gift she bought for someone and then later on found out they already had one. This is power we must harness. Ya shoulda told her that if ya opened all the bags at once and had some left over you would not be able to return the opened bags. Problem resolved.
...don't thank me, I am just expanding the horizons of masculine knowledge.