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32055 Re: Well, Miss Karine Jean-Pierre has had her debut as the reigning WH Press Secretary - and she was a stammering boob
   ...she was trying to generate sympathy so anybody who found anything w...
ribit   6TH POPE   17 May 2022
8:20 PM
32050 Re: Well, Miss Karine Jean-Pierre has had her debut as the reigning WH Press Secretary - and she was a stammering boob
   [b]DOOCY: But how does raising taxes on corporations lower the cost of...
nacl01   6TH POPE   17 May 2022
7:34 PM

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Well, Miss Karine Jean-Pierre has had her debut as the reigning WH Press Secretary - and she was a stammering boob

By: Beldin in 6TH POPE
Tue, 17 May 22 6:23 PM
Msg. 32045 of 60014
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After first extolling the "virtues" of being a "black, gay, immigrant woman" ... i.e., "I'm a victim, so you guys need to take it easy on me!" ... she didn't do much but stammer ... "uh ... uhm ... ah ... you know" ... and have her head down reading nonsensically from her woefully unprepared briefing book. Wow ... what a pathetic loser. 

Rolling Eyes

Watch Two Simple Questions Unravel Karine Jean-Pierre, Biden’s Press Secretary

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By John Nolte
May 17, 2022

Karine Jean-Pierre held her first briefing as America’s new press secretary on Monday and melted down into a word blob over two fairly straightforward questions.

“I am a black, gay, immigrant woman. The first of all three of those to hold this position,” Jean-Pierre announced to the press corps Monday. Well, no one of any substance gives a shit about any of that. What we’re mostly interested in is “qualified,” and on that particular virtue, the jury is still out.

Last week, His Fraudulency Joe Biden fired off a ridiculous tweet that claimed (falsely) that raising corporate taxes reduces inflation. It was such a laughable non-sequitur, such a blatant piece of disinformation, that former Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos pointed and laughed at it.

Considering all the attention around Biden’s tweet and Bezos’ response, you’d think our new press secretary would have prepared to answer the following question from Fox’s Peter Doocy: “How does raising taxes on corporations lower the cost of gas, the cost of a used car, the cost of food, for everyday Americans?”

Jean-Pierre’s response was so painful to watch, you might want to break it into a few parts ...

Danny De Urbina (@dannydeurbina) ~ Peter Doocy just completely STUMPED Psaki's replacement on her first day. This is so embarrassing. She's DONE.

For the lulz, here’s the transcript, and I swear it’s not the Q&A from a local beauty pageant ...

JEAN-PIERRE: Look, you know, we have talked about, uhm, we have talked this about this past year. Ah, about, uhm, making sure that the wealthiest among us are paying their fair share. Uhm, and that is important to do and, ah, that is something that, ah, you know, the president has been, you know, working on every day — when we talk about inflation and lowering costs. And so, it’s very important, ah, that, ah, you know, as we’re seeing costs rise, ah, and we’re talking about how to, you know, ah, you know, build an America that’s safe that’s equal for everyone and doesn’t leave anyone behind; that is an important part of that, as well.

DOOCY: But how does raising taxes on corporations lower the cost of gas, the cost of a used car, the cost of food for everyday Americans?

JEAN-PIERRE: Well, look, I think [reads briefing book] we encourage those who have done very well, especially those who care about climate change [which is a hoax] to support a fairer tax code that doesn’t change — that doesn’t charge manufacturers, workers, cops, builders a higher percentage of their earnings, that the most fortunate people in our nation, and not let that stand in the way of reducing energy costs and fighting this existential problem. If you think about that as an example. And to support basic collective bargaining rights, as well, right? That’s also important. But look, it is — by not — without having a fairer tax code, which is what I’m talking about, then, all, everything, manufacturing workers, cops, you know, it’s not fair for them to have to pay higher taxes then the folks who are, who are not paying taxes at all.

DOOCY: But what does that have to do with inflation? The president said ‘you want to bring down inflation, let’s make sure the wealthiest corporations pay their fair share.’ Jeff Bezos came out and tweeted that the President’s newly created Disinformation Board should review this tweet. Would you be okay with that?

JEAN-PIERRE: Look, it’s not a huge mystery why one of the world’s wealthiest individuals on earth [sic], right, opposes economic agenda [sic] that is for the middle class, that cuts some of the biggest costs families face, fights inflation for the long haul, right? And that’s what we’re talking about. That’s what we’re talking about lowering inflation here, and adds to the historic deficit reduction the president is achieving by asking the richest taxpayers and corporations to pay their fair share. That is what we’re talking about.

Even the White House Easter Bunny is still trying to figure out Miss Jean-Pierre's word salad ... 

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In Miss Cherry Blossom’s defense, there was no way to answer Doocy’s question. Raising taxes does not decrease inflation. In fact, raising taxes increases inflation. If you raise taxes on corporations, they pass those taxes on to us in the form of higher prices (i.e., inflation) as the cost of doing business goes up.

Nevertheless, Jean-Pierre should have been prepared for this question and should have known it was coming. Obviously, not from any of the other losers in the butt-kissing press corps, but at least from Doocy.

Anyway, Doocy gave up on that one and followed up with another question that melted down Miss Cherry Blossom ...

Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) ~ Peter Doocy asks why Joe Biden is going to visit Buffalo, NY but he didn't visit Waukesha after a deadly terror attack by a racist black supremacist:

"I mean, he's visited many communities, um, Buffalo. you know? He’s able to go tomorrow.”

DOOCY: How come the President is visiting Buffalo after a senseless tragedy there, but he couldn’t visit Waukesha after six were killed and 61 injured in an attack on a Christmas parade there?

JEAN-PIERRE: I mean, he’s visited many communities. Buffalo — he was — we — you know, he was — he’s able to go tomorrow to Buffalo, ah, ha, before the trip. That is something that was important for him to do. But he has visited many — many other communities. This is not — Buffalo is not the first community, sadly, that he has to go up to because of a violent attack. So, you know, that’s not — that’s not the first one. So he’s been to many others, sadly.

More word salad ... 

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Kamala ala Bimbo must be proud of the slavish emulation ... 

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We all know why Biden ignored Waukesha and is demagoguing about Buffalo. Democrats and their fascist media allies couldn’t blame Republicans for Waukesha, a massacre involving a black suspect who appears to have deliberately targeted white people. There’s no political upside in Waukesha, so Democrats and the media dropped it. With the massacre in Buffalo, these fascists can try to blame and silence their critics.

Miss Cherry Blossom’s first impression was straight out of a sitcom.


The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted. ~ D.H. Lawrence