A real dumbass.
Law professor amazed that originalism so aligns with the policies of the Republican Party
A lot of liberals have been getting an education over the past couple of weeks. First was the concealed carry decision in New York State, and then the overturning of Roe v. Wade — the difference being that the right to bear a firearm is enumerated in the Constitution, while the right to an abortion is not. The problem is that originalists have taken over the Supreme Court, and Yale law professor Scott Shapiro notes how amazing it is that originalism tracks so closely with the policies of the Republican Party.
Scott Shapiro (@scottjshapiro) ~ Amazing how Originalism tracks the political positions of the Republican Party.
It’s not really amazing ... Republicans tend to take the Constitution seriously and don’t see it as a “living document.”
Noam Blum (@neontaster) ~ Imagine being a law professor and thinking this was an insightful comment.
Noam Blum (@neontaster) ~ "It's so weird that originalist decisions are lauded by people who believe in originalism."
Holy shit, my dude. You cracked this wide open.
joshua chase (@Joshlc1874Chase) ~ Professors have probably debased themselves more on this site than anyone else.
Micheal Clark (@sundanceloki) ~ Wait till he hears about conservatism.
Old Tom Morris (@OldTom_Morris) ~ Not sure he's making the point he thinks he's making.
Steven Betz (@stevenmbetz) ~ Wait until he learns liberal judicial philosophy makes zero pretense about just divining decisions that align with what they think the law ought to be.
AYFKM (@Knowmorenoless) ~ The law the professor will never break is the one that says liberals never let their ignorance get in the way of their arrogance.
(((Kevin Moss))) (@kevindavidmoss) ~
Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) ~ You’re so close to getting it.
kc2fargo (@kc2fargo) ~
Grant Lee (@GrantBVLee) ~ It's almost like the Republican party is built around an originalist view of the Constitution ... weird.
The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted. ~ D.H. Lawrence