When the relationship starts to change!
...somethin about oxy that clears my mind and makes me a brilliant spokesman about any and all problems in the world. It also helps me understand things like when relationships start to change.
...me and mz ribit was going thru our lives fairly happy. She had fixed a nice dinner and I sat down across the table from her. She then sat a napkin down on the table and put a knife fork and spoon on it. "There is your napkin and utensils" she says.
Now I don't know if she thought I wouldn't recognize the items or that I might think they were for somebody else. I remember thinking "WTF is this all about?" Anyway, that started me to noticing that she was talking to me as if I were no longer the stud what swupt her off her feets and won her heart and was now a handicapped child who needed constant supervision on even the simplest task.
"Put on your bedroom shoes" she tells me as I try to get out of my recliner to go to the potty during one of the many commercials provided for just such purpose. I look down and there are the bedroom shoes but they are too close. I try to move em with my feet and she kicks em even closer. They are now even more impossible to put on. "Here's your walker" she says as she helps me by standing between me and the walker. "Thank you dear!" She will then proceed to every door I have to pass thru to get to the restroom and stand there in the way until I show my total lack of appreciation by asking her to let me get by the only obstacle in the entire house.
These things are part of the feminine psyche and once they tell ya that the knife, fork spoon and napkin is yours and that there is gravy on ya chin or some pizza on ya shirt or that ya sat in her casserole the relationship is forever changed.
BTW: The pizza on my shirt was from yesterday
...more brilliance later!