If one looks up the Maldives they will see a gorgeous island that is wall to wal street and building about 750 killometers south India in the ocean..
We were told back in early Reagan years that the ice caps are melting and this island nation would be underwater easily in a couple years.. Yes, the same climate alalrmists never seem to answer for all their far fetched statements that never ever come true...
I ould like someone, anyone, if they are ever close to one of these lunatics, to ask them how the Maldives Island are doing today since their climate alarmists told in the early years of Reagan they would be long gone due to CLimate change and melting arctic caps..
In Fact, ask if ANY of their outlandish statements have come true.. The west coast was going to be halfway under the Pacific and the east coast was going to be under water also..
WHY in God's NAME should ANYONE put ANY stock in ANYTING they have to say.. They need to be asked these embarrassing question publicly and watch them stammer...