Replies to Msg. #1210500
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34840 Re: Lizard Cheney says [Republican party] is very sick. Vows to save Deplorables with her hate.
The January-6 detainees. Demorat senators made pretty little speeches calling it an 'armed insurrection'. Obviously it was not – as the only people out there with guns that day were the capital police. The most 'they' have on most of the detainees is a minor trespassing charge. And if the capital police invited protestors inside the capital – and video evidence suggests they did – then you have nothing to justify holding those detainees.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

There is tons of evidence that the 2020 election was stolen. The only evidence that the 2020 election was 'honest' is 'testimony' from proven liars and traitors to the Constitution.

The 'justice department' could find no trace of voter fraud? This would be the same justice department that orchestrated and financed the mock kidnapping of governor whitmer . . . The same justice department that lied on FISA warrants to spy on the political opposition . . . The same justice department that staged a raid on Trumps house – why? So they could paw through Melanies underwear drawer? Or perhaps to steal de-classified documents detailing their unlawful and Un-Constitutional activities. This would be the same 'justice department' that had no objections to black lives matter terrorists looting and rioting and burning black owned businesses to the ground.



Mad Poet Strikes Again.