Biden’s White House must have been really desperate to bring out the actual President of the United States, yesterday.
Susan Rice.
Oh, we’re just kidding ... sorta.
Still not sure if it’s Rice, Obama, Klain, or Jarrett making the decisions. Suppose it could be all of them.
Nobody spins quite as well as Rice though – remember when she lied about Benghazi on five different talk shows? Lied about unmasking Trump aides? Then got promoted?
It’s good to be a Democrat.
Watch this:
RNC Research (@RNCResearch) ~ Q: "How much will this cost? How much will Americans have to pay?"
Top Biden advisor Susan Rice: "Well, that remains to be determined."
Susan Rice translated: "We really don't want to say, but you can rest assured that it will be a SH!T TON."

They don’t want to admit that Americans are going to pay A LOT, in addition to more taxes and more inflation.
Democrats couldn’t do more to prove they hate us all if they tried.
What a hot mess.
Hot AND STINKY mess.
Ultra-MAGA Deplorable Petr (@PragueArtist) ~ Oh look, it's the lady who said Beau Bergdahl served with honor and distinction.
Biden had to bring his best liar out so you KNOW it’s not good.
Reaganette (@Ezinger44) ~ Mouthpiece of the Obama admin. That’s who is running things.
LG in AZ (@AzMenagerie) ~

Pradheep J. Shanker (@Neoavatara) ~ They don't care.
It’s all about buying votes on the backs of hardworking Americans.
MidwestLady_88 (@MidwestLady88 ) ~ Did the Press secretary quit? Why is Susan Rice giving the news?
David nuclear Orange (@DavidTe58841155) ~ Hey look, it’s the acting president!
Or at least his mouthpiece, yup.
President Doctor (@LDreeniatnuom) ~ I see Susan Rice has crawled out from under her rock.
The fact she had to come out to spin this says so much ... and ain’t none of it any good.

The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted. ~ D.H. Lawrence