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Re: COVID shots causing monstrous clots

By: Fiz in 6TH POPE | Recommend this post (0)
Mon, 29 Aug 22 1:03 PM | 36 view(s)
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Msg. 35053 of 60014
(This msg. is a reply to 35051 by Decomposed)

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What to make of this? "Tumors of the heart"?

TYPE: Case Report
TOPIC: Cardiothoracic Surgery
INTRODUCTION: Primary cardiac tumours such as myxomas are rare. About 75% of myxomas occur in the left atrium of the heart. We present a case of an unusually huge left atrial myxoma discovered incidentally in a patient with COVID-19.
CASE PRESENTATION: A 64-year-old woman presented to the emergency department with 2 days of high fever, dyspnea, and non-productive cough. Chest computed tomography (CT) showed moderate bilateral pleural effusion and multilobar bilateral lung consolidation with ground-glass opacities suggestive of COVID-19. Transthoracic echocardiography revealed a 70x 50 mm highly mobile mass in the left atrium, with a typical feature of myxoma. Surgical operation was deferred until after the patient’s COVID-19 infection had resolved with a negative PCR test for COVID-19. Three weeks later, after she had recovered completely from the infection, she successfully underwent resection of the tumour.
DISCUSSION: Myxomas are the most common cardiac tumours. Our patient demonstrates some interesting features. Firstly, the asymptomatic giant left atrial myxomas are rare. When the tumour is located close to the mitral valve, it results in obstruction and presents with symptoms of left heart failure symptoms and pulmonary congestion. Despite being so large, there were no obvious associated symptoms in our case. Secondly the mass diagnosis incidentally during underlying COVID-19 disease. Thirdly differentiating between myxoma, and other cardiac masses such as mural thrombus is still a challenge especially in COVID-19 patients.
CONCLUSIONS: Cardiac myxomas are uncommon tumours. In our case, the patient was asymptomatic. In COVID-19 patients developing hemodynamic instability, surgical intervention should be done as soon as possible.

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The above is a reply to the following message:
COVID shots causing monstrous clots
By: Decomposed
Mon, 29 Aug 22 11:21 AM
Msg. 35051 of 60014

(You'll be hearing more about this. The article was written in June, but now I'm finding numerous sources discussing it - including mentions of the fact that doctors don't want to acknowledge the clots or even treat the problem. - De)

June 7, 2022

COVID shots causing monstrous clots

by Liberty Counsel

BOISE, ID –Dr. Ryan Cole a Mayo-trained board-certified pathologist and owner of the largest independent diagnostics laboratory in Idaho, is finding an alarming number of large blood clots that have appeared since the COVID shot rollout and seem to be present only in those people who have received the injection. Dr. Cole was interviewed by Mat Staver on Liberty Counsel’s TV program, “Freedom Alive.”

Photo courtesy Dr. Cole

The blood clots are not what one would normally think of a clot. Rather than a small clot the size of a BB or larger, these clots are long, worm-like, and some stretch for several inches or even up to several feet long.

Photo courtesy Dr. Cole

Photo courtesy Dr. Cole

Cole Diagnostics processes and reports out approximately 40,000 blood and biopsy patient samples annually. Dr. Cole’s lab is able to determine the difference between a spike protein caused by the virus and a spike protein caused by the COVID shots, which are demonstrably different and much more pronounced and serious.

Blood clots are normally revealed from elevated D-Dimer tests. Most clots are typically micro or even medium size clots. However, the tissues around it eventually become compromised since oxygen cannot get in there and the tissues die off and the clots grow. If the clot continues to grow and get bigger, eventually the clots kill people. This appears to be happening in those people who have received the COVID shots.

One embalmer with 11 years of experience revealed that 93 percent of her recent cases died due to clots from the COVID shot. Morticians usually use a dissolving fluid to break up clots but now the fluid cannot not make it through these new monstrosities. The embalmers are finding that they are getting back pressure because the fluid cannot pass through the blood pathways due to the clots. They are forced to go into the body and manually pull them out. Now the embalmers are pulling out unusually large clots, as long as four feet long, and have identified these irregular clots primarily in COVID-vaccinated individuals.

Dr. Cole says that the shots are neither safe nor effective. He said the COVID shots were made for the original wild version, and none of the shots have been modified for the variants. Dr. Cole stated these shots are all risk and no benefit.

Photo courtesy Dr. Cole

Photo courtesy Dr. Cole


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