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Re: COVID shots causing monstrous clots

By: Fiz in 6TH POPE | Recommend this post (0)
Mon, 29 Aug 22 5:23 PM | 31 view(s)
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Msg. 35061 of 60014
(This msg. is a reply to 35059 by Decomposed)

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It is HYPOTHESIS that the massive decline in childbearing is due, or even primarily due, to fewer childhood deaths. I think you should make a better case for that, rather than just proclaiming it.

This supports it somewhat. However, the statistical analysis is missing, and use of "mean", rather than mode, seems suspicious:

I personally suspect (but don't claim to be able to prove) that accidental/incidental chemical sterilization is a significant factor. You'd think some PhD candidate would take that as a thesis and would like to rule that out.

There seems to be very little real science, or even good backing statistics, to make such a a simple case that psychology + birth control explains the plunge we have seen since the 1960s. Maybe. Maybe not. Quantifying accidental chemical sterilzation, and maybe some other possible factors, SHOULD have been done a long time ago.

There is good evidence that sperm motility in the West is low. Although that is only one possible factor, I doubt that is an issue of "psychology" nor "birth control".

You'd think some decent scientific questioning would have been done long before now. But it seems, to me, oddly missing.

Monsanto wouldn't like that study, I am sure. Nor would lots of other players.

Post mRNA I know we can explain any further drop in reproduction as just "fear of Covid coming back" and "fear of climate change". But that's not science, either. I fully expect emotional "heartbreak" to be the favorite theory explaining any unusual surge in all cause mortality in the coming years. We won't need to question that because our Masters and Talking Heads will have already predetermined it to be Truth.

In all seriousness, I would expect extraordinarily high divorce rates + LACK OF MARRIAGE to be vastly more significant psychological factors than declines in childhood mortality. But that isn't being analysed, either.

As I think about it, the psychological factor of parents having fewer children because they expect fewer of their existing children to die seems laughably implausible. How many parents go "Oh! We just buried Tommy! Lets have more sex so we can replace him!"

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Re: COVID shots causing monstrous clots
By: Decomposed
Mon, 29 Aug 22 4:28 PM
Msg. 35059 of 60014


Re: “And Bill Gates was involved, a known eugenicist. He is all about depopulating the planet..”
The following is a repeat of my February 22, 2021 post:


Re: “Bill gates has stated publicly he wants to reduce the population of the earth worldwide. He is a self proclaimed eugenics master.”
No, he hasn't said that. If that's what you think, then you've been played.

What he has said repeatedly is that by improving healthcare and reducing child mortality, people in the most impoverished parts of the world will voluntarily have fewer children, just as they have in the U.S. (In Niger, the average woman has 7 children.) The reason for having so many is, in part, because of the knowledge that many children die. Parents want to be supported in their old age. And they don't want to die childless.

Instead of relying on misrepresentations and out-of-context statements, take a look at what Bill himself has written. He was quite clear about it in the 2009 Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Annual Letter.

A surprising but critical fact we learned was that reducing the number of deaths actually reduces population growth … Contrary to the Malthusian view that population will grow to the limit of however many kids can be fed, in fact parents choose to have enough kids to give them a high chance that several will survive to support them as they grow old. As the number of kids who survive to adulthood goes up, parents can achieve this goal without having as many children.

That sums up his position nicely. The claims since then that he thinks vaccinations are dangerous and will cause the population to fall are misrepresentations of reality. The claims that he said vaccines can lower the earth's population by 10% - 15% are simply distortions and lies. What he said was that they can lower the 9 billion ceiling that we are headed toward by 10% - 15%.

But when lies are told frequently enough, they become indistinguishable from truth. Who was it that said “Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it”? Ah yes, Hitler. This runaway lie about Bill Gates is a prime example of Hitler being right.

Bill Gates advocates vaccines because (1) they've made him a lot of money, and (2) he thinks they will lower childhood mortality, thereby lowering the rate of population growth. The liars out there have turned this into "Bill Gates wants to kill or sterilize us with his vaccines." Sad that people don't bother to look for themselves before repeating this kind of nonsense.

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