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John Hayward’s latest thread shines a vital spotlight on the Left’s sinister war on working Americans 

By: Beldin in 6TH POPE | Recommend this post (2)
Mon, 29 Aug 22 10:35 PM | 37 view(s)
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We’ve basically lost count of the number of posts we’ve done featuring threads from conservative author and commentator John Hayward. Suffice it to say, we’ve done a lot of posts. But we can’t really help ourselves, can we? After all, Hayward has a real knack for zeroing in on a particular aspect of leftism (or leftism as a whole) and just absolutely eviscerating it point by point.

And that’s exactly what he’s done once again today. All the Biden administration and Democrats’ business about taxpayer-funded student loan debt “forgiveness” is a quintessential example — and there are many, to be sure — of the Left’s deception when it comes to the working class. Powerful leftists profess to be operating in the best interests of working Americans, but that in fact could not be further from the truth. As Hayward points out, the Left is actually operating to systematically and completely demoralize and subjugate the millions of Americans who work hard to make lives for themselves and for their families.

Read this thread and understand that leftism is a force that will not rest until it has destroyed everything that we as Americans have ever held dear:

John Hayward (@Doc_0) ~ There is nothing surprising about the increasingly elitist and out-of-touch Democrat Party turning against working Americans with a vengeance. The Left is NEVER the ally of working people, no matter how much hot air it belches about being a "workers' party."

John Hayward (@Doc_0) ~ The Left develops lucrative financial and political relationships with union bosses, which is not AT ALL the same as being a "party of workers," despite pretenses to the contrary. Labor is merely a useful tool for leftists who cynically exploit class warfare and resentments.

John Hayward (@Doc_0) ~ After all, the bottom line is that left-wingers dream of a world in which private capital is obliterated - which means people will be FORCED TO WORK. There are only three ways to get people to work: hire them, let them hire others, or force them. The first two are capitalism.

John Hayward (@Doc_0) ~ The communist/socialist/Marxist ideal is a utopian vision of people happily contributing to the greater good and enjoying collective benefits. That's not what actually happens in the real world, where most people require incentives that "soft" collectivism cannot provide.

John Hayward (@Doc_0) ~ There are a few people who work hard because they love it, or because they feel a higher calling. The vast majority of people in a large population respond to incentives. Capitalism provides that with voluntary employment and financial compensation. Employers compete for hires.

John Hayward (@Doc_0) ~ For all the criticism of greed and money as the root of all evils, money earned through salaries, or the profits from a successful enterprise, is very liberating. YOU get to decide how to spend that money. You can spend it to acquire or improve your own capital. It's YOURS.

John Hayward (@Doc_0) ~ And you have control over how you earn that money. You can choose between jobs, strive to improve your position and earn more, or leave a job you don't like. You have a great deal of control over your career, because no one can forcibly appropriate your capital - your labor.

John Hayward (@Doc_0) ~ Sure, we complain a lot about the opportunities we don't get, jobs that suck, feeling "trapped" in a "dead end" career. Most of us don't think we're paid enough for what we do. We all know the common lament of the 20th and 21st Century worker. We all felt that way, now and then.

John Hayward (@Doc_0) ~ But if we focus too much on the downside of our situation, we lose sight of the truth that capitalism gave us more freedom to choose, chart our own course in life, own and invest, make meaningful decisions than any other people in the history of the world.

John Hayward (@Doc_0) ~ Most of us work because we must, but we have a great deal to say about what we do. Capitalism is about investment, choice, and persuasion instead of force. We police capitalism for any taint of compulsion: fraud, monopoly, price-fixing, etc. All are exercises of compulsive force.

John Hayward (@Doc_0) ~ Compromising the private ownership of capital introduces force into a system that should be free. The heavy hand of government alters prices, subsidizes favored enterprises, and generally disrupts the data we need to make informed choices. We "own" our capital less and less.

John Hayward (@Doc_0) ~ And once private capital is gone, well, the new collectivist owners will require you to work - but they won't be giving you so many choices and opportunities. This is why the Left's bleating about "workers" is so false and cynical. Their vision involves compulsory labor.

John Hayward (@Doc_0) ~ You'll do as the State and its ruling Party command, instead of selling your labor to willing buyers who compete for your supply. Your labor is capital too, and you won't own it any more. Smashing capitalism is NOT just about kicking fat cats out of boardrooms.

John Hayward (@Doc_0) ~ As long as workers are complaining about their lot to attack private capital, the Left fawns over them as useful allies, promising to use political power to increase their wages and benefits. But once the Left gains control of capital, that all comes to a screeching halt.

John Hayward (@Doc_0) ~ You don't get to complain about your boss when the State runs everything. You might be allowed to plead for a better lot in life or complain about inadequate benefits, but you're at the mercy of your rulers. You have no real power to DO anything except plead and hope.

John Hayward (@Doc_0) ~ You don't have to take my word for it - just look at what life is like under communism. At best, it's a dreary nightmare of mediocrity and corruption. At worst, the force deployed to make people work turns deadly, or the mass of non-workers causes starvation and collapse.

John Hayward (@Doc_0) ~ Socialists and fascists pretend they can yoke collectivist ideals to the productive power of capitalism, but it never lasts long. The people still lose control over capital, including their own labor. You cannot refuse to make whatever "contributions" the socialist elite demands.

John Hayward (@Doc_0) ~ People seduced socialist promises of "free goodies" ought to think longer and harder about this: If costs are to be "socialized," it means the "contributions" cannot be voluntary. The contributors cannot have any say on how much is taken, or how the loot is distributed.

John Hayward (@Doc_0) ~ Socialism, like all forms of collectivism, is inherently hostile to people owning capital, including their own labor. If you like working as you choose and keeping the proceeds from selling your labor, the Left is your implacable enemy, and it WILL turn on you eventually. /end

Give leftism your faith and it will take everything you’ve got.


The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted. ~ D.H. Lawrence

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