to live within their means and NOTspend more than they have available to pay with.
The exceptions would be a home mortgage that someone can actually pay monthly within their means and possibly a car, but that is not critical. One can always buy a very used one if it works..
Americans seem to always get all of their WANTS on credit and do not pay cash for anything. They live ABOVE and beyond their actual means whichis why so many are always in debt..
DEBT is not your friend.. It is a shackle tied around you and holding you back..
If ya ain't got the money to pay for something, do without..
My parents BEAT this into my head.. I have remembered it my entire life.. Dave Ramsey is mamking a fortune off of this concept long after it has been practiced for a long time before he ever started talking about it..
He is a total bore to me.. A Johnny come lately living off of pronciples that were practiced long before him and most of us forgot more than he knows..
Anyway, now ya know what I think of Dave Ramsey.. Not much..Pompous and arrogant and sometimes full of himself..
ANYWAY, a chain reaction could be setting uo but if it is , it is intentionally being fostered by the ones in control.
In order to control the Middle class, you have to wreck them financially.. They haven;t been able to do that beofre but now is a prime opportunity..
Its just my opinion and how I see it so it is worth what you paid for it.. As mnuch as Ramsey's loud mouth advice is.. not much..