Replies to Msg. #1212150
 Msg. #  Subject Posted by    Board    Date   
35752 Re: Wealth vs. Illth, GloboCap, Socialism, Fascism, and Comparison
   Zim, You gave a list of assertions without any definitions, backing fa...
Fiz   6TH POPE   21 Sep 2022
11:56 PM
35748 Re: Wealth vs. Illth, GloboCap, Socialism, Fascism, and Comparison
Take this :

Fiz : ""Capitalism", at least as currently practiced, SUCKS. "Socialism" does, too."

Let me take 'socialism' first. EVERY country that has tried it over any length of time has, eventually, been reduced to utter poverty.

If 'capitalism' sucks. . . then there are one of two things being done wrong. Either (as here in America lately) it has been so 'over regulated' that the regulations are more about 'protecting' the 'capitalists' (or forcing social injustices) . . . Or (as in China) Environmental concerns, safe labor laws, child labor laws, etc.etc. do not apply enabling the 'crimes of capitalism' to be practiced in spades.

Capitalism is why we Americans enjoyed one of the highest standards of living ever achieved by any human civilization.

And, proper 'regulations' can correct the 'crimes of capitalism'. (I mean things like environmental protection laws, child labor laws, safe labor practices, anti-trust laws, and the list just goes on and on and on.)



Mad Poet Strikes Again.