The latest polls are showing all of those with a 2 point Democratic advantage. But
(1) polls can be wrong. More importantly:
(2) momentum appears to be shifting to the Republican candidates in all cases, with significant changes in the last week or two
(3) Republicans have more likelihood of voting
(4) 2 points is really "too close to call" and an argument can be made that democratic influenced polls are oversampling (committing serious polling errors)
If those four races end even evenly split, and nothing else surprising happens, the Democrats retain the Senate (with Kamila Harris the deciding vote and all other things equal). So I'm hoping the momentum continues to shift and this becomes a clear 3+ point advantage for Republicans.
Hopefully we will see that in one or two races in the next few weeks -- that will confirm momentum better than anything and make a sweep increasingly likely, absent any other adverse "stunts".
I am presuming that these states, as the previous suspects, will be *carefully* watched for vote integrity.