Replies to Msg. #1213038
 Msg. #  Subject Posted by    Board    Date   
36301 Re: Hoover Institute: Bjorn Lomborg on the Summer’s Record Heat (highly recommend you listen, even if you think you know)
   Fiz > There probably is a climate change problem. It likely is human p...
Zimbler0   6TH POPE   10 Oct 2022
1:55 AM
36284 Re: Hoover Institute: Bjorn Lomborg on the Summer’s Record Heat (highly recommend you listen, even if you think you know)

Anyway, later YouTube nudged me with the Bjorn Lomborg interview and I listened.

Bjorn Lomborg is a REAL ENVIRONMENTALIST with a science background, who wrote "The Skeptical Environmentalist"

His interview is very informative because he doesn't deny "climate change" (which is pretty hard to do, either scientifically or LOGICALLY). He doesn't DENY ...but he puts it into relative size of risk vs cost.

So I recommend the interview. Especially, to you, DE, I recommend it, because this is the point I've tried to make over and over again...but not nearly so calmly and hardheadedly.

There probably is a climate change problem. It likely is human produced. And NONE OF THAT MATTERS VERY MUCH until we deal with the 100 or so vastly more important and fixable issues which threaten humanity.

P.S.> Marxism/the Woke Agenda is a vastly more pressing issue than "climate change", if only because - demonstrably - the Wokeism is a direct path to nuclear war.