Replies to Msg. #1213431
 Msg. #  Subject Posted by    Board    Date   
36532 Re: Greetings from my recliner/bed's Sunday. Where else would ya be besides your recliner or bed? I...
ribit   6TH POPE   16 Oct 2022
8:49 PM
36530 Re: Greetings from my recliner/bed
   I'm so glad you've made it to the other side of that ordeal, micro. W...
MrsDe   6TH POPE   16 Oct 2022
7:46 PM
36528 Re: Greetings from my recliner/bed
Beldin   6TH POPE   16 Oct 2022
7:34 PM
36526 Re: Greetings from my recliner/bed

My baby girl the attorney came home to help my wife and me. So Glad she did. She does things with a smile and helps others.
Fir example, last week she noticed the nurses and aid stations getting a piece of candy for energy. She bought FOUR large bags of what they were using and gave each station an very large bag of candy. So thoughtful. Proud of her she has been big help to miz micro and me.
My daughter who lives close by is going to store and getting us essentials , Boost, and other foods I need for protein.

Anyway, I am home resting. It is a rugged road ahead.

DeComposed was so kind to call me one night and we talked a little.

If you think of it, keep me before the Lord for Healing and pain management. I am thankful for the folks who are our family online.
I never dreamed I would be going thru open heart surgery last week so it is good to have friends who will pray.
My thanks and very kindest gratitude to my extended family.