I can’t understand why anyone would still want to live in California. Yes, there are lots of high paying jobs and the weather is very nice, but crime is completely and utterly out of control. As you will see below, a new report that has just been issued is warning that violence in the state has now reached “epidemic” levels. The police are doing what they can to try to contain the violence, but at this point they are vastly outnumbered by the predators. Sadly, this is the end result of literally decades of cultural rot, and what is happening in California is going to happen to the rest of the nation if we do not take urgent action to turn things around.
Originally, I was going to write about something else today. Tens of thousands of rail and port workers were threatening to go on strike, and this could definitely cause some substantial economic disruptions…
But even though these strikes could cause severe short-term problems, they will eventually be resolved.[ZH: And were resolved right before the strike was set to take place]
So in the greater scheme of things, they really aren’t a major concern.
On the other hand, our cultural decay is a massive ongoing crisis that isn’t going to go away.
As I mentioned earlier, a brand new report that was just released is warning that violence in the state of California has risen to “epidemic” levels…
If you live in one of the biggest cities in California, this isn’t news to you.Once upon a time, the state was a place of great beauty and great tranquility, but now it has been transformed into a crime-infested hellhole.
I was particularly alarmed by the numbers on sexual violence in this new report…
Of course much of this violence is being fueled by illegal mind-altering drugs.Some of these drugs are so immensely powerful that they literally put people into catatonic states for an extended period of time…
I will never understand why people would willingly do that to themselves. Today, we are facing the biggest drug crisis that we have ever seen in American history, and addicts will often do whatever it takes to get another fix.
Sadly, this is one of the factors that is contributing to skyrocketing rates of shoplifting all over the nation…
At one time, such activity was limited to the bad portions of the city.But now addicts that have been drugged out of their minds are puling down their pants and crapping in the streets right in front of some of the most expensive real estate in San Francisco.
This has made the wealthy people really angry, and Mayor Breed says that she is finally going to “get serious” about this crisis.
Of course “getting serious” doesn’t mean arresting a bunch of people and throwing them into prison.
That just wouldn’t be very “progressive”.
Instead, authorities in San Francisco are getting ready to launch a “soft-touch” program that will seek to “interrupt” drug trafficking…
Yes, it certainly sounds like a sick joke to me. Good luck with all that.
If major cities such as San Francisco actually want to have a chance of turning things around, they need to send the police out to round up all the drug dealers.
Unfortunately, police forces in many of our biggest cities are rapidly getting smaller.
In fact, a whopping 122 officers have left the Seattle Police Department in 2022 alone…
I wouldn’t want to be a police officer in a major west coast city at this point either.They are underpaid, the politicians treat them with tremendous disdain, and they are often hindered by absolutely ridiculous regulations which keep them from doing their jobs effectively.
We like to think that we are so “advanced”, but the truth is that if you compare video footage from major cities on the west coast from decades ago to video footage from today there is absolutely no comparison.
Our society is melting down right in front of our eyes, and if we stay on the path that we are currently on there is no future for our country.
But the politicians insist that people like me have it all wrong.
They continue to tell us that things are better than ever and that a glorious future for our nation is dead ahead.
You can believe that if you want, but the truth of what is really happening to our society is on display for the whole world to see.
America is dying, and we are quickly running out of time to turn things around.
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