Msg. 36929 of 60008 (This msg. is a reply to
36927 by
You have to crash the current system to rebuild a new one. That's exactly what Biden and his far-left handlers are doing to America.
I think the posits of the writer are reasonably accurate in light of what has been and continues to go on..
The question that is begging is what if anything can be done prior to a POTUS change of office in 2 years to fight off these tyrannical desctructions of our entire economy and way of life ???
Can a majority HOUSE and Senate offset this kind of stuff happening at the executive level? Hopefully it can because the House supposedly controls the purse strings.
But can repugnicans unite in order to slam the door on BITE ME's anti America agenda?
This election is so vitally important it cannot be stated enough. I hope the idiots and morons who have voted demon rat their entire lives thinking they were the cool kids have realized how destructive and anti-American their political party really is.
I know it's a hope and not likely reality but there still has to be hope somewhere..
During a briefing at the White House this week, Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was asked whether President Joe Biden plans to shake up his economic team after the 2022 midterm elections.
"Given, you know, polls show that voters at this point, the primary concern heading into the midterms is inflation and the economy. By a 2-to-1 margin, voters trust Republicans more than Democrats to handle the economy. I wonder, given this sort of majority sentiment of voters, is the president considering making any changes to his economic team after the midterms?" a reporter asked.
"No," Jean-Pierre responded.
Her response was quite telling and confirmed Biden's tanking of the American economy is calculated and deliberate.
Personnel is policy, and Biden has installed people in positions throughout the federal government to radically change the country.
"Biden has stacked his Council of Economic Advisers with three labor economists whose focus is on workers, not just markets: Bernstein, who was most recently senior fellow at the left-leaning Center on Budget and Policy Priorities; Heather Boushey, a founder of the Washington Center for Equitable Growth, which focuses on inequality; and Cecilia Rouse, who left her post as a dean at Princeton to serve in the administration. This is the team pushing Biden not to kowtow to fearmongering about deficits and inflation," the New Republic gleefully reported in May 2021.

One look at Biden's Council of Economic Advisors tells the story. It's packed full of socialists who have worked their entire careers to tear down the current American system. After all, they believe that capitalism is irredeemable and, therefore, must be ripped out and replaced with a system that fits their vision for the future of the country.
Luckily, part of this agenda was slowed when the Senate voted down Biden's nominee to become the comptroller of the currency at the Treasury Department earlier this year. Saule Omarova was blocked for her rabid, anti-free market, communist proposals and belief in total control of the currency by the federal government.
"Imagine what it would be like instead of just a public option for deposit banking; this would be actually the full transition. In other words, there would be no more private bank deposit accounts, and all of the deposit accounts will be held directly at the fed," Omarova espoused during an online forum. "How is it politically feasible for the central bank to take money away from people's accounts."
But banking is just one area Omarova had her sights on. She also wanted to bankrupt the oil companies under the guise of "climate change" and in the pursuit of government control.
"With certain troubled industries and firms that are in transitioning. And here, what I'm thinking about is primarily the coal industry and oil and gas industry. A lot of the smaller players in that industry are going to probably go bankrupt in short order. At least we want them to go bankrupt if we want to tackle climate change," Omarova added.
This is precisely what Biden is doing with a forced "transition" to alternative energy. Despite her failed nomination, her ideology persists as policy inside the Biden administration.
"[When] it comes to the gas prices, we're going through an incredible transition that is taking place that, God willing, when it's over, we'll be stronger, and the world will be stronger and less reliant on fossil fuels when this is over," Biden said at a press conference in May.
"If you drive an electric car, this would not be affecting you," Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said earlier this year about gas shortages.
Given oil is the lifeblood of America's economy and the rest of the world, whether it's tractors using diesel to get food out of the ground and to the market or people driving themselves to work, Biden's swift transition to alternative energy is sure to crash the economy.
Since taking office in January 2021, Biden launched an all-out assault on the very industries Omarova declared needed to go bankrupt. Biden and his government bureaucrats have purposely driven up the price of gas in hopes of forcing Americans into electric cars they also can't afford. At the same time, they're draining the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, with no plans to refill it in case of a real emergency.
You have to crash the current system to rebuild a new one. That's exactly what Biden and his far-left handlers are doing to America.
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