that's what makes America at the moment still a great place to call home. I do not have to agree with you and you do not have to agree with me...
I will take the likes Of DeSantis every day of the week and twice on Sunday over Donald "LOUDMOUTH" Trump.
Its not what he wants to accomplish or says he does, its his MOUTH which never stops and is unbecoming of anyone repesenting a CORPORATION, A City, State, Or a COUNTRY...
He simply cannot control what comes out of his mouth. I may think some things to myself I don't like about something or someone but I won't say them. Trump wears his feelings on his short sleeve shirt.
THAT's what I do not like about him being in position of aleader of the United States... To me, he hasn't ever grown up yet... He acts like a BULLY.....
Huge turn off for many...
Anyway, that's how I see Trump.... You may be able to overlook those things. I simply cannot.... Usuallywhat comes out of the mouth is what is actually in the heart of a person.. It speaks volumes to me.....