Replies to Msg. #1214890
 Msg. #  Subject Posted by    Board    Date   
37386 Re: Trump dumping on DeSantis
   Exactly. If Trump was a nice guy during the primary back then. We wou...
CTJ   6TH POPE   13 Nov 2022
1:56 AM
37370 Re: Trump dumping on DeSantis

Like I said before,
I look at what Trump accomplished.

Do I think Trump could have accomplished those things playing the 'go-along to get along' game? No.

If Trump had not shellacked the competition in 2016 . . .Would he have made it to the White House? I suspect that if Trump had 'played nice' we would have wound up with either the hildabeast, or a repugnican who would have 'played nice' with the lying thieving traitorous treasonous demo-rats. A RINO. Or might as well have been one.

We got Trump. And we got several years of rising prosperity and a short period of energy independence. Ended when morons decided they did not like a loudmouthed boor in the White House.



Mad Poet Strikes Again.