The first 20+ minutes was quite good, "without much of his adlibbing flare" (to quote Ingram just now). ("Softer tone" is the term Victor Hansen just used).
Fox broke away for maybe 15-20 minutes (too long) for their guests to applaud and comment. Unfortunately, when they came back to "the speech" it had become rather uneven. He would start to express his (personal) anger, his (personal) suffering, and then - just when I was starting to give up on him (again) he would go back to making his point but staying PRESIDENTIAL. And then he would loop around again.
So...I am happy he announced. I was pleased to see him capable - for short periods - to stay Presidential. He needs to work on STAYING Presidential.
I hope to God he has the coaches he (WE) DESPERATELY needs ... if he is to win. The days of "rally" speeches needs to be put behind him. The expression of vindictiveness or "stolen elections" needs to be put on PERMANENT vacation.
If someone has contact with Trump, please pass along my suggestions. I am on his side. HE MUST GROW INTO A REAL PRESIDENT; A QUIET BUT STILL FIERCE LEADER...CONTROLLED ENERGY.
He SAID he was going to be the uniter. He needs to be. He needs to unite himself, first...STOP going off on egoistic rants. Every word, every comment, needs to be CHOSEN with his promise of unity in mind.
Pray for him. Pray for America. Pray for humanity if Trump fails.