My PA examined me and said everything looked very good.. We went over some do's and don'ts and time frames as to when I can start driving and picking up a little bit of weight.. I was told lifting the Thanksgiving Turkey from refridge, to oven, or oven to table is NOT something I can do...
I am not disapopinted with that but means amy son in law will have to help or my daughters...
De will know what I mean when I say I cannot belive how sensitive that incision line in the chest still is.. It is healing well. It just does not like ANYTHING I wear to touch it. It doesn't hurt, it just is very touchy...
Otherwise it is doing well. I still cannot sleep in my own bed. The flatness is not good for me and I am a side sleeper. Strike 2. As I cannot lay on my stomache it only leaves me laying on my back.. Strike 3..
Too much tossing and turning to get comfortable.. BAck to the recliner.. and sleep..
So that is the last real thing for me to resume some normalcy at the homestead. I am looking forward to NOT having any more soreness or sensitivity issues with my chest to get back to normal..
Hoping to be able to go see my clients in January weather permitting..
I still need to go get my new hearing aids I ordered from the audiologist and learn how to wear and use them, and I need new glasses as well. I am starting to get antsy to get out of the house but as I found yesterday, getting in and out of my car is NOT easy on the chest... It will get better in time, it just can't get here soon enough and I feel bad as my wife has had to do everything by herself.. So hoping for a new beginning very soon.
It's nice to have a clear head again as I reported the other day after getting off lipitor.. What a huge difference!
So , it is hump day. Wishing you all a wonderful day today!
Catch you later!