Hmmmmmmm. Let's think about this for at least a couple seconds...
Okay. Time's up...
On all the so called news channels yesterday we learned that the President of Ukraine "lost" billions" of dollars due to the ponzi scheme of that cryptocurrency he bought into..
WHERE did Zelensky get all this moeny from to invest in that ???? And now BITE ME wants to give him lots of billions of dollars more under the same pretense of providing for a defense of Ukraine....
I have a better idea. Tell Zelensky no.. Secondly, if Ukaraine needs help than NATO should get off its hands and knees and send in forces to Ukraine and use force to drive ROOSKIES our of Ukraine and kill as many of them as they possibly can...
Zelensky is a thief waiting for another handout..
I wonder how much of the prior handouts got side delivered to democrat causes under this same pretense?
Just say no to Zelensky and Ukraine un-accounted for" money handouts... This is just another outlet to screw U.S. taxpayers and redistribution of wealthusing this fiasco as a shield.....
If this is a just cause then go in and get rid of the russians or get the heck out of it altogether...