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Re: Free Download of New Edition of Designing with Libre Office 

By: Zimbler0 in 6TH POPE | Recommend this post (1)
Wed, 23 Nov 22 2:05 AM | 26 view(s)
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Msg. 37678 of 60014
(This msg. is a reply to 37660 by Decomposed)

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Decomposed > There's a reason Microsoft removed Access from the home version of Office. Almost nobody was using it. Too hard.

You are probably right, De.
But then, how many 'home users' actually NEED a database of any kind?

Sure, you have your 'library database' and I have a 'portfolio database'. But I suspect it might be possible to put your library into a 'sorted list spreadsheet' and most of what I do with my portfolio database I also do in spreadsheets.

(I do both as a check to make sure I got all the numbers input right.)

But what the database does easily that the spreadsheet can't is that much larger amounts of data can be 'archived' and still available and it can be queried to fish out particular subsets of data - such as all the books on a particular subject or a particular author. Or, the history of all the dividend checks I received from a particular company.

But most people get along just fine without ever 'cataloguing' their libraries. Nor is it necessary to 'remember' all the dividend checks I ever received-just the ones in the last year - and I get 1099's letting me know how much they 'ratted me out to the IRS'.

It is nice knowing that I have the ability to make what I made.



Mad Poet Strikes Again.

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Re: Free Download of New Edition of Designing with Libre Office
By: Decomposed
Tue, 22 Nov 22 7:56 AM
Msg. 37660 of 60014


Re: “But, I have seen some truly complicated spreadsheet 'applications' doing some sophisticated computations.”
Of course. Anything *can* turn complex. I trust you'll agree that most of the time, Excel and Word are used for very simple things. But Access projects are never simple. In fact, that word "project" says a lot. Access is for PROJECTS and only for projects. It isn't used when the boss calls you up and says he's got some new need and has to have it that same morning. Word and Excel *can* be used in the project sense but are used far more frequently for writing memos and adding up some numbers... or maybe generating a chart. Beyond that is less common and out of the norm (except by techies, of course, who may ONLY do that kind of thing.).

Do you think anyone has ever brought up a fresh installation of Access and had it doing something useful in less than HOURS? How about Word? I'd say "Yes, in about 2 minutes." Excel? "Maybe twenty."

There's a reason Microsoft removed Access from the home version of Office. Almost nobody was using it. Too hard.

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