Replies to Msg. #1215744
 Msg. #  Subject Posted by    Board    Date   
37892 Re: I want to advise again: Do NOT attempt to impeach Joe Biden - that will play into their hands.
   Hi Fiz! I like your suggestion. I can easily see where what you st...
micro   6TH POPE   03 Dec 2022
5:55 PM
37889 Re: I want to advise again: Do NOT attempt to impeach Joe Biden - that will play into their hands.

Do *NOT* attempt to use the House to conduct an "impeachment" show. The Republicans barely have a majority in the House at all -- and they are actually VASTLY in the minority once you deduct the large number of RINOs left. Most importantly, the “average” US voter has the attention span of a fruit-fly and you aren't going to get any lasting benefits from *pretending* to “impeach” Joe Biden.

Beginning mid 2024, you want to be able to flood the nation, maybe even put up billboards, with porn pictures and disclosures of "THE BIG GUY". Most of all, you want the “Democratic”/CCP Party to OWN The Big Guy, the porn, and all those felonies.

You want to be able to PAINT Gov Noisome—or whoever the candidate is—with the same broad brush.

You DON'T want all this corruption to be "yesterday's news", come 2024.

Mob=Democracy=Socialism=Communism. There really is no difference: the majority can do whatever they want to anyone they want; they just have to "vote" on it first.

And, with half the population below 105 IQ, half the population is not much more intelligent than my dog. My dog can be very bright for a dog, but my dog still isn't allowed to vote . I think WOKE should include dogs having equal rights; that is about as likely as an impeachment helping out freedom.