Just reading hte first line and quote would beg to differ about the borad brush statement.
Let's simply take a look at the 20th century.. Hmmmmmm.
The 1900's was a century of profound changes worldwide and technologically.. We don't have horses and buggies anymore , rocket propulsion and robotics came into being and developed at extremely fast pace, and the Infor mation technology sector had greatly advanced paving the way for that sector to build on what it learned and advanced significantly.
In the very early 1970's I was designing and developing pick and place robotic arms for auto manufacturing.
Look at where that took off and went.. You now have large warehouses of various types which have vehicles that are directed by signal and racking that has pick and place without human intervention. Think Amazon or in the auto world, there is aplant in Japan thathas NO laborers except for one engineer who oversees all the automated equipment as it does the work all by itself using robots.
So I think its a little disingenuous of Elon to make a statement like that. I am no Einstein and do not belong to Mensa.. BUT, I am open minded enough about tech today that I don;t need to just go die so more change can advance or be made. THAT is 100 percent pure BS...
The level of self conceit is mind blowing...
Sorry. But just because humans have become more and more debased and depraved in their behaviors does not mean that those who who havenot gone down that trail and will not are wrong.. People have tried that route eons ago..
How did it turn out and what did GOD think about it?
Oh yeah. We keep leaving HIM out of the picture and equation.. WHAT does GOD say about that deviant lifestyle? We can deny the existence of God all we want, but that does not make HIM any less real..
If ya ever stood beside some people who were in their last minutes of life here and heard them crying out to GOD because they could begin to see the fires of hell you might change your opinion. Or you could wait like them until its too late.. I have witnessed that personally as well as demon possession. Its all true and very real.
No matter. God will make people who think they are going to control the world and decide who lives and dies look very stupid in the end... And for them, it will be too late... I will be long gone and happily in the presence of my God in HIS Heaven praising and thanking HIM forever !
There is NOTHING NEW under the Sun!
The whole duty of man is to worship and please God..
Just my two cents on all this.
Its amazing what we use for transportation today compared to a century ago isn;t it.....