Replies to Msg. #1216749
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38629 Re: This Is BAD...
   The House just passed a $1.7 trillion "Omnibus" bill. I'm sure it will sail through the Senate and White House. As I read about it, I found myself wondering, "How long can this go on?" I've always known that things accelerate before a collapse, seeming (to most) to happen overnight... and I can tell that U.S. debt is indeed accelerating. It's obvious. You guys see it too. But just how quickly? What does the curve, extended into the future, look like? When will it go vertical? Ten years? Twenty? When it does, the dollar will be worth nothing and the United States as an economic force will effectively end.

This isn't rocket science but it's also not something most people like to think about. That puts it right up my alley. I can do this and I like to know the truth. So I nabbed the debt chart to the right from It's dated October 5, 2022 - BEFORE the latest Omnibus. I pulled it into Paint, extended the timeline to 2030, then overlaid it with the ellipse that "best fits" the curve. When does our debt chart go vertical? The answer, below, is beyond creepy. After all, I've always said that TEOTWAWKI is coming... but I didn't know when. Now I do.

Let me know if you guys see a flaw in the approach or with my reasoning.


Gold is $1,581/oz today. When it hits $2,000, it will be up 26.5%. Let's see how long that takes. - De 3/11/2013 - ANSWER: 7 Years, 5 Months