Those particular lyrics are appropriate for the lines of stuff being passed as truth by governments today in search of population control.
As much as I at one time listened to a few songs by Kenny Loggins, who was nothing more than a songwriter and musician, I think I will prefer the the scriptures over him when it comes to knowing truth and instruction in doing right.(righteousness)
SOLOMON said it well for all mankind at the end of the book of Ecclesiastes. I won't quote it right now because its better if people read it for themselves.. I will say it has to do with what the entire duty of man actually is.
After Solomon had spent considerable years experimenting and dabbling in all sorts of lifestyles and temptations, looking for something that is satisfying tothe soul, he reached the conclusion and stated it at the end of that book..
I think Solomon was a little wiser, smarter, experienced, used of God than Loggins or any other songwriters. Not thatyouw ere promoting them for their brilliance. Please do not think I am attributing that as your intent. Not at all.
Most of these people are fools with no clue of their purpose on earth or whathppens after their very short lives come to an end.. And they will ALL come to an end.. What then?
For myself, I cannot speak for De, possibly Ribs, but I have faced the very real and likely possibility of dying and am thankful for very smart cardiac doctors, as I know De is also. We both could have died.
I should have died atthe end of January duringmy hip replacement, and yet I did not. WHY? My heart should not have been able to keep me alive in its condition during that major surgery. So why did it???
Because I have a set time when it is my "appointed" time to die in accordance with God's plans for myself and for every single human being. I do not know when that time is but I do know that when that moment comes Iwill be in God's presence instantly and all my family and friends who have already left here and gone there will be waiting for meto greet me. I will see them and they me, exactly as we looked on earth except without and defects.
I look forward to that day as this world holds less and less attraction for me. Right now the marxists and evil are winning, whichis exactly as God predicted would happen. Men in their own self wisdom thinking they know so much are polar opposite God in what they are doing and have no conscience within them, prompted by The Holy Spiriit who indwells believers only, to convict them of their wrongdoing and evil.. Their God is Satan, the god of this earth.
And so ithas begun to evolve according to the scriptures.
The days are evil in whicj we live.