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Msg. 38737 of 60008
(This msg. is a reply to 38727 by Fiz) |
Thanks Fiz! I am currently contemplating a new phone for my wife. Like me, hers is an android, a motorola phone. She is not even beginner level tech savvy and relies on me or my son in law who teaches all this technology at both the High School he works at but also some classes at the University of Cincinnati. I would not object at all to replacing her phone with an Apple I Phone. My problem would be how do we get all her contacts and her FITBIT stuff over onto the I-Phone... I personally am not involved in fitbit, workweek hustle (counting steps) in a competition with family members, but rather only use my phone for business calls or texts period. I have a Samsung Galaxy. I like it. I am not a fan of Apple or their corporate politics and hence I do nottrust them either but at least their phone is more secure than mine.. So that is where I am at this present time. If you or anyone else who is more phone tech savvy have any ideas or suggestions please share them. I am grateful for them and appreciate the help!
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