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!!!=WIN=Debloat Windows 10 w/ this command line

By: Fiz in ARCHIVE | Recommend this post (0)
Tue, 03 Jan 23 2:10 PM | 97 view(s)
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Somone at slasthdot suggested reading the comments there first. But it appears to work and supposedly removes the microsoft store and other pork/spyware.

Recently, I had to set up a Windows 10 computer for one specific application in a semi-embedded use case. Anything else that Windows does or comes with is unnecessary for this. While there are plenty of internet scripts and apps for de-bloating Windows, I have found the easiest (and little known) way to debloat Windows without running any internet scripts is as follows:

1. Open Powershell.
2. Type Get-AppxPackage | Remove-AppxPackage.
3. Ignore any error messages about packages that can't be removed, it's fine.

Will this work for everyone? No, of course not, but it's a great one-line, easily memorable tool for cleaning up a PC quickly for an industrial use case without any security risks.

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