So the drama comes to an end and the Rinos have a new speaker who made a lot of concession promises to the holdouts and many of those voted present so the threshhold for votes was lowered..
While McCarthy MAY be better than Piglosi, he isn;t exactly my idea of a true constitutional republic representative.
Thomas Massie of Kentucky fits that qualification far better as does Jim Jordan who for some reason did not want the speakership because he imo would have beaten McCarthy.
At some point I would like to see Jim Jordan in the White House maybe as a VP for Desantis ? Would that not be a great Presidential ticket? I could almost get excited about voting again..
Hopefully Jordan can uncover a TON of bad things that happened in our government as the head of a committee.
Am sot of glad the congress can finally move forward.. I only hope it is not more of the same....