Hi De!
That's a shame that Joey did not get the recognition that he earned. The great news is that he overcame the snobbery and feel good bunch to accomplish so much more and let his talent and knowledge shine in spite of that bunch..
Speaking of which, how is the young man doing these days??
You haven;t spoken much of him since you guys crossed the continental divide on the way back from a long road trip to the west coast.
Seeing America like that at your ages should have been fantastic and memories you aill always have.. I cannot drive like that any more due to physical limitations that have occurred from too many earlier in life physical destructive things to the body that have come back in these later decades to bite me. So do things while ya still can because you might not that opportunity again..
Plus, my wife does not like to be in a car that much. Miz De is priceless. Its a wonder she puts up with you! lol!!! Oh sorry. That's what my wife does. Puts up with me..
Its cold here but not snowing. Sun is shining.. Miz micro feels the need to support the local economy this morning.. I suppose I am going to be the designated driver and chauffeur.
Wishing you southern New Hamphireites a wonderful day today!