I am looking forward to beginning to spend time with clients of mine again and having meetings.
My one in town also has an island in the Bahamas chain in the northern ones where he is building a house to move to. He has a 28 foot ocean going boat that he loves to fish off of in both Lake Eerie and off the Floorida coastal waters on eastern side of the peninsula. He is normally around 15 to 30 miles offshore. So he decided to look into building a house down there on one of the many islands..
Should be perfect for him and his lifestyle as he is a single man.
This is why I love meeting new people and getting to know them. It is fascinating to see how different people like and enjoy different things and some that share some commonality. It's great..
Personally I would never want to live in that ocean due to hurricane season.. You are a long way from nothing so one had best be extremely self sufficient.
That leaves me out.. My physical abilities are waning by the physical medical issues that I seem to be a gathering point for.. I am happy just to walk a little bit before the hip gets too inflamed to stand anymore..
Oh well. Getting old is just not fun.. Ask Ribs.. He can verify! lol!!!!!