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Read Aloud

By: Decomposed in 6TH POPE | Recommend this post (0)
Fri, 10 Feb 23 7:58 AM | 38 view(s)
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Msg. 39914 of 60014
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If you're using Google Chrome and don't already have a text-to-speech extension you like, I can recommend one: Read Aloud.

It works like this:

Visit the Google Chrome Store:

Do a search for Read Aloud. You should get the following result:

Click the icon. Add the extension.

Once it has been added, you should see a black amoeba-like icon near the upper right corner of your browser. If you click it, a box will open that lists the extensions you've added to chrome. One should be named Read Aloud.

From now on, if you highlight text on a webpage, then right-click on what you've highlighted, you'll get an option to "Read aloud selected text." Click that and, if your speaker is on, what you've highlighted will be read to you.

Before you ask, yes. This is part of my ongoing effort to relive the 1st Grade. (Actually, having lousy vision plays a role too.) As I get older, I get lazier and lazier...

BTW, if you don't use Chrome, there's probably a similar extension available for what you do use. You might even see the same one... in which case you won't have to figure out its use beyond what I've explained. You MIGHT even find one that's better, though I'm not sure how it could be. Read Aloud is nice and simple, with a pleasant voice and good pronunciation.


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