One of my preferred metrics for how a country or culture will handle REALLY hard times is to gauge how close they already are to the ground. If they are already close to the ground than falling from their current height won't kill them and they will likely tough it out without falling apart as a society. However, how they will be after the fall, in that case still depends on what sort of civility/mutual respect as a SOCIETY they have to begin with.
By this standard both Russia and Ukraine are pretty low to the ground. However, the ground in Ukraine a lot more divided than the ground in Russia, imo.
US society, and all of Europe, is so far above the ground they can't even see the ground. On the whole, the US and Europe HAVE NO COHESION. Again, in my opinion, as someone who has boots on the ground in many places. Hell, the US thinks "basketball" and "football" are what war is all about. We can't even count our sexes anymore because they have become conflated with severe mental illnesses. We think "wounded" is what happens to other people or when someone "triggers" us and melts our snowflake. Most of us, in US and Europe, don't know where our food comes from. We are scared ishtless of death, because we have no faith and no family. It is not a pretty picture.
Places like the US and Europe are always just a few steps away from Zombie Apolcalypse, for real. Delusion runs deep when you watch to many movies, play too many video games, eat out at McDonalds too often, become obese, and go to a Woke school.