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‘I have a master’s degree. What do parents have?’, asks teacher before getting schooled by parents 

By: Beldin in 6TH POPE | Recommend this post (2)
Mon, 20 Feb 23 5:02 PM | 36 view(s)
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Special education teacher, Alicia Messing, testified before the Arizona Senate Education Committee in opposition to Arizona bill SB1700. The bill would give parents greater insight into materials used by their schools and a procedure for objecting to material they find objectionable, especially those that are found to be ‘lewd or sexual in nature, that promote gender fluidity or gender pronouns or that groom children into normalizing pedophilia’.

Messing seemed quite confident that her master’s degree qualified her to make these decisions for parents.

She went even further to explain her philosophy with the following quote:

‘The purpose of public education is not to teach only what parents want their children to be taught. It is to teach them what society needs them to be taught.’

Wow, Ms. Messing ... you truly are an uneducated boob ... 'cuz THAT ain't the "purpose of public education" ... rather THAT is the "purpose of public indoctrination." BIG DIFFERENCE ... and you would know that if you were an educated person. 

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Let us think about that ... hmm ... yeah, that’s gonna be a big fat nope.

Billboard Chris (@BillboardChris) ~ “I have a master’s degree. We all have advanced degrees!”

“What do the parents have? Are we vetting the backgrounds of our parents?” - Liberal white woman

She says the purpose of public education is to teach kids “what society needs them to be taught.”

Liberal White Woman ~ 

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Guess what, Mrs. Messing? Your master’s degree in education doesn’t qualify YOU to determine what society ‘needs’ children to be taught. It qualifies you to TEACH what society decides children should be taught.

We hate to break it to you, Alicia, but we, the parents, are society.

Our children don’t belong to you. You work for us.

‘What do the parents have?’ Messing asked, after touting her master’s degree.

Dead László (@DeadLaszlo) ~ "What do the parents have?" The kids.

And ... 

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You think we’re going to turn over our most precious commodity to Alicia Messing to mold in whatever way she deems ‘society needs’?

Ain’t gonna happen, Teach.

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Jason Bedrick (@JasonBedrick) ~ ::cough::
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Interesting. Perhaps the greatest value in master’s degrees for teachers is to boost their superiority complex.

InTheRightColumn (@TheRightColumn) ~ That lady has a master's degree, and I guarantee she can't define the word "woman."

LOL. You know he’s probably right.

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John Hawkins (@johnhawkinsrwn) ~ Anybody who tries to separate kids from their parents is a bad person with bad intentions. Doesn't matter whether it's a groomer or a statist.


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𝕂𝕣𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕊𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕚𝕒𝕝𝕂 (@CallMeK1123) ~ Are they taking my hard earned money through tax dollars? I have every right to approve the curriculum being taught in my children’s school. Teachers and administrators who think like this are why more parents choose private or home schooling for their children.

Apparently even people with a master’s degree don’t necessarily understand that the public has every right to influence how their tax dollars are spent, even over the objections of self-important teachers.

Comrade Swamp Madness (@SwampMadness) ~ The purpose of public education is to teach kids reading, writing, and arithmetic. The purpose of parents is to teach kids "what society needs them to be taught." It isn't up to her to define what that is.

AmberF (@AmberFaire1) ~ The past few years has made me despise credentialism. Sure, we need people to have the credentials to perform certain jobs, but all credentials are not equal and they don’t mean a person is ethical or competent. Women like this prove that ‘credentials’ aren’t everything.

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Everyone’s getting a degree. We’re suffering from education inflation. It’s directly linked to ego inflation.

Red Dot in a Blue Dot in a Red State (@reddotaustintx) ~
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MonaKnows (@MonaKnows2) ~ I have a MS and recently retired after 34 years teaching in public schools—inner city, suburbia, and rural. These types were not the majority where I’ve taught, but they are the most vocal, most pushy, most arrogant, and almost always a group of union activists.

We absolutely believe that. Just in preparing this article, we found Alicia Messing testifying against other pieces of legislation. She used the same quote about what society ‘needs’ your children to be taught. She also signed onto a list of educators who vowed to violate state law and continue teaching CRT-based curriculum if it was banned in her state.

There is definitely a type of highly-degreed educator who believes themselves to be superior to parents and the arbiters of moral good for all of society.

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VALUS (@StephenValus) ~ What the parents have is a responsibility to love their kids beyond the end of the school day or year. Parents are the ones who will deal with the consequences of choices made on behalf of their kids, for decades to come. While these "experts" wash their hands and walk away.
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Eric Spencer (@JustEric) ~ If you're a teacher who's upset at the pushback you've been getting from parents, I just want you to know that you only have yourselves to blame.

Parents trusted you with the most precious and invaluable thing in their entire lives and you violated that trust.

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Get your children away from these types of teachers if you can.


The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted. ~ D.H. Lawrence

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