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Re: Glasses Ordered

By: ctj1950 in 6TH POPE | Recommend this post (0)
Tue, 21 Feb 23 2:45 AM | 28 view(s)
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Msg. 40259 of 60014
(This msg. is a reply to 40243 by Decomposed)

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I use MyEyeDr. They’re great. I think they are nationwide. I first used them in Beaufort NC a few years ago. Recently here in Palm Beach. I bought prescription sunglasses from them. They were pretty expensive.

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Glasses Ordered
By: Decomposed
Mon, 20 Feb 23 9:30 PM
Msg. 40243 of 60014

In January, I went to MyEyeDr, a local chain, and had my eyes checked. It was something my regular doctor wanted. I hadn't had 'em checked for five years or so, and it only cost me the five-dollar copay. Everything was fine except my vision. I had them write me up some prescriptions - one for distance, one for reading and one for "computer" - which means a little farther away than reading and that was that. I wasn't interested in any of their $200 glasses, just the 'scrips.

Today I spent a little time at PayneGlasses.com picking out frames. I wanted single vision lenses and none of the frills. No tinting. No scratch resistance. No extra-skinny lenses. And it was okay with me if the frames make women run in terror. The final price? $5.95 each. Not bad! That was the final price WITH the lenses.

All totaled, I'm out $4.95 for shipping, $17.85 for glasses, and $5.00 for the exam. A total of $27.80 and three pairs of glasses, shown to the right, are on their way.

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