Msg. 40454 of 60008 (This msg. is a reply to
40444 by
Zim : "Taking your last sentence first. Clearly you are trying to make your 'straw man argument' by attempting to portray me as someone with no sense."
No. Although I confess I sometimes lose my patience or just do a poor job of articulating, I continue to think you have enough sense. If I didn't believe that I would just use the "ban" feature and not engage with you any more.
I pray I am educable. I pray you are educable. I think a formal study of logic might benefit both of us; it's on my upgrade path.
Fiz > I have several times, and at considerable length, pointed out that overextension & fighting on multiple fronts are basic military blunders and a classic sign of gross incompetence in military strategy. We are losing world respect and looking beyond foolish to anyone who knows history. We can't defend our own border; recruitment is in collapse; we are bleeding out economically, with debt exploding almost 10X in 20 years; we seldom if ever decisively win; etc. Are you perhaps channeling "Custer"?
Zim : Taking your last sentence first. Clearly you are trying to make your 'straw man argument' by attempting to portray me as someone with no sense.
I once went and saw where Custer 'bit the dust'. From what I read and the information I found, Custer just kept peeling off more and more of his command - trying to surround too many Indians with not enough cavalrymen. And the Indians chewed up his too-small detachments and destroyed him in detail.
over extension & fighting on multiple fronts are basic military blunders
All too true - most of the time. Germany in WWII tried invading Russia while still trying to conquer England and fighting in North Africa . . . Germany lost. On the other hand the United States was fighting in Europe - North Africa, the invasion of Italy and the Normandy invasion - while also fighting the Japanese in the Pacific. And the United States won.
We are losing world respect and looking beyond foolish to anyone who knows history.
We can't defend our own border
Biden. Deliberately threw open our southern border.
recruitment is in collapse
Again, Biden. Woke-tardism in the military is not a good way to recruit quality soldiers.
we are bleeding out economically, with debt exploding almost 10X in 20 years
Yet again, biden.
we seldom if ever decisively win
Just what were 'Our' goals in all those conflicts we did not 'win'?
From the chair I'm sitting in :
The Korean conflict. Our goal was to keep S. Korea as an independent nation. It is. Win.
Vietnam? Again, to keep S. Vietnam independent. It isn't, we Lost.
Russias little adventure in Afghanistan? Keep the USSR from annexing Afghanistan. The Russians eventually withdrew from Afghanistan. Win.
The first Gulf War. Goal was to force saddam to cough up Kuwait and keep Kuwait as an 'independent oil well'. Kuwait is still an independent country.
The second Gulf War. Remove saddam hussein from the world stage. Accomplished. My personal opinion and the reason I believe the invasion of Iraq was the right thing to do: After 9-11 the United States needed to deliver a strong object lesson to all the worlds 'wanna be islamic terror mongers' just what the U.S. could and possibly would to to them if they got that stupid again. Bush delivered the message . . . and the demo-rats did everything in their power to negate and neutralize the object lesson.
The 'Invasion of Afghanistan' - by the United States. That was about one of the stupidest things barak obozo could possibly have done. There was absolutely no strategic advantage for the U.S. in Afghanistan. Given the Russians mis-adventure in Afghanistan and the probability that both Russia and Iran would happily 'help' the U.S. to a similarly disastrous and expensive outcome. . . Well, the demo-rats clearly have no brains.
Bush had the right idea in Afghanistan. Minimal American troops in Afghanistan coupled with air superiority. Hunt and kill terrorists. Help the Afghani's to write and vote for a new Constitution. Train the Afghan Army and help them keep the taliban from overwhelming the joint . . .
By the way, once again BIDEN is the moron who surrendered Afghanistan and a megaton of American military hardware to the taliban.
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