Fiz > I think what you don't seem to value at all is that part of what "costs" us the Southern border, and social cohesion, and the Constitutional Republic, are the forever wars.
Fiz, other than WWII ( and possibly the Revolutionary and Civil Wars ) America has spent a relatively small percentage of GDP on War and Defense.
U.S. gdp for 2019 was $21,380.98B, a 4.13% increase from 2018. U.S. gdp for 2018 was $20,533.06B
Try taking, say, $100 Billion (for Ukraine) and dividing that by $20 Trillion (U.S. GDP) and then explain to me how that is bankrupting the United States.
I'll agree that the problems above are severe and 'We' really ought to be addressing them . . . But 'SOMEBODY' let the lying thieving traitorous treasonous turds steal the 2020 election and, as they say, 'elections have consequences'. Even stolen ones.
But spending in Ukraine is small potatoes compared to what those drunken wish-they-could-be seafarers demo-rat congress critters spending tons of dollars are doing to U.S.
Mad Poet Strikes Again.