I just want to go back a year, when I called the US fumble into Ukraine the start of WW3, and I said the US would lose..no matter how the war turned out in simple bullets and bombs terms. In other words, I was saying the loss of US reserve currency status was effectively a thermonuclear bomb the US was dropping on ITSELF by engaging in this stupid proxy conflict and, most stupidly of all, weaponizing the dollar.
Those who simply think in terms of traditional military strategy and objectives, in this day, are really operating at a Neanderthal level. China is the big winner, here; it is on track to take everything without ever having fired a shot. That is called military genius.
Ukraine 'Ready' To Give Up Crimea, Says Zelensky Advisor
by Tyler Durden
Wednesday, Apr 05, 2023 - 06:00 PM
There has been much talk and reporting of the coming Spring counteroffensive by Ukraine forces, but with the fight for Bakhmut not going so well for Kiev, there's also been talk of the need for compromise, at a moment Ukrainian casualties in the east are believed to be high.
Last week we reported on President Volodymyr Zelensky's voicing rare doubts concerning Bakhmut - as if preparing his people for news of a devastating defeat. And now, on Wednesday, the Financial Times is reporting the single most important development to come out of the conflict in a long time: Zelensky's office says he's ready to compromise on the future of the Crimean peninsula.