Y’all remember Rachel Dolezal, right? The lily-white lady who pretended for years that she was black until she got busted for lying about it?
She became a laughingstock for it, and rightly so. Imagine, the idea of being transracial! How silly! How crazy! Good thing we’d never get to a point where that sort of thing would, well, become a thing.
Except we’re at that point. Take a look at this:
Dan Dicks (@DanDicksPFT) ~ I warned about this slippery slope ... this woman identifies as black…she’s going through with the surgeries ... does anyone in the 2SLGBTQI+LMNOP community care to comment?
We’ve got people like Dylan Mulvaney prancing around pretending to be women yet demanding that we take them seriously and treat them with reverence and respect. So why shouldn’t white women demand the same when they decide to identify as black?
Ryan M (@inthe250_) ~ Ha ha ... white woman identifies as black. Woke made this mess. Enjoy it.
The host is literally dumbstruck at the idea of a person pretending to be someone she’s not, someone she could never be, and suggesting that scientific and biological impossibility should not be taken into consideration because that stuff doesn’t line up with her chosen reality.
That should all sound very familiar.
judy y (@Averyflash) ~ Why not? Men larping as women get to be Woman of the Year, let’s have her as Black Woman of the Year. Hypocritical to deny her prizes set aside for Black people.
Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) ~ The best part about this clip is the host insisting that all other forms of mentally deranged identity are fine, including woman-face. They truly don’t see the disconnect.
Woketards are morons.
The people who think they like where wokeism is going won’t like where wokeism is going.
Heh heh heh.