Hi Fiz!
My last post before heading for bed. I am tired and worn out. My beloved of 49 years dragged me kicking and screaming to the grocery with her to walk her dog and in her mind get me some more exercise. I thought I got plenty already today when I took a nap or took my dog outdoors and played with him..
It appears we do not see things the same way. Maybe that's why she stayed with me.. lol!!
Anyway, I would simply point out as you already know , that the Founders were just a little busy what with trying to win the revolution, and then again in 1812 just a little bit later when the country was still in its infancy.
Those kind British torched Jefferson's personal residence if you remember so he was a man running one step ahead of those who sought to execute him..
PLus his wife was deathly ill a lot of the time until she finally passed. That was very hard on him. I do not know who he did what he accomplished under all the circumstances.
I am glad that I was not born in those days or an adult in those days. We are indeed a blessed people to have such brave and hardy and patriotic distant ancestors...
They all knew what sacrifice really was compared to present days. Sacrifice today means maybe skipping lunch or passing on a pizza toight.. Those people lost their homes, all their possessions and some lost their lives.
I agree that there needs to be serious consequences for spying on the public and everyday citizens.. I just have not thought enough about what those consequences ought to be..
Anyway, I bid you a good night and restful sleep !!!!
Kindest regards,