In my humble opinion, I believe the majority far exceeds the minority on the:
1. Gullible scale
2. Stupidity scale
3. ability to reason or think scale
All one need do is listen to what comes out of the mouths of any liberal on television or observe the actions of libs on television. I don't have to go talk with these imbeciles. All I Need do is watch their actions..
No rational person would actually say or do the kind of things we are witnessing today.. They are literally pushing the envelope to see how much they canget away with in their quest to seize power and become dictators of the worst kind seeking to take our freedoms away.
It is increasingly more apparent to some of us that what is going on not just in the US but worldwide, is the fore runner of what is described in Revelation. I believe it is the opening stages of what has been written in the Bible in Revelation.
Your mileage may vary on this but this is how myself and some other friends of mine in the Bible College and Biblical Scolars believe also.
Anyway, it's Friday and sunny here so you all have a wonderful day and week-end!
I will see y'all a bit later...
my best,