Fiz: I remember touring a nuclear fission power plant as a young was probably 1968.
One tourist actually was a hippie and started protesting nuclear power right in front of me.
The tour guide eventually got the group past that. And then I remember him telling us, with great assurance, that nuclear FUSION. was probably only 20-30 years away. So it tickled me to read, in this article:
"Just ten years ago, reporters and industry experts alike were still joking that “Nuclear fusion is 30 years away...and always will be.” Now, seemingly very suddenly, the narrative has shifted from a conversation about “if” to one about “when.”
Only this time, I am thinking they might be right. What has changed? I think the #1 thing is advent of something like ChatGPT. I can now imagine computer systems both fast enough and adaptive enough to manage the reaction by managing the magnetic bottle flux in real time. Without this sort of “intelligence”, maintaining the conditions for a nuclear fusion reaction to sustain at a controllable level just seems to be beyond any possible sort of human management: to much energy, too much fluctuation, too quickly.
It would be nice timing, I must say. I remain convinced that what has Our Masters so freaked out that they have to resort to managing us by staging dramas like "Wokeism", war in Ukraine, completely fraudulent elections, and even "Covid-19", is knowledge that peak energy is real...and they cannot continue the current monetary system, and concomitant deficit spending (inflation), without ever increasing amounts of cheap energy.
Now, I am not saying the human race DESERVES such a timely boon. I remain horribly discouraged at the endless inability of the bulk of humans to rise above their fundamental stupidity and, in particular, to learn from history about things like “government”, war-as-a-profit-and-control-center, and centralized power. People who CAN'T learn math, and basic logical argumentation, who can't even begin to realize when they are being manipulated, who can't manage their passions and their need for immediate gratification, who can't learn from history about things like war, are little more than animals...or spoiled little children.