you have used a double negative. Also, you might not believe how many children of God were involved in wars over the years.
You see, we were commanded by Christ Himself to OBEY THOSE that have the rule OVER US.
Whether one is "supporting" or not against something that the government is doing matters not about the requirements and ppassport needed to gain entry into Heaven.
Neither God the Father nor God the Son were opposed to wars being fought.
I am glad that my passport to heaven was not dependent on whether I killed anyone or not in combat.
We were commanded to pray for those in authority over us no matter how bad, crummy, rotten to the core, liars, despicable they may be..
So whether we like Billy Bob Clinton, Dementia Joe, or not, we are commanded to pray for them and ask God to give them wisdom and discernment. It does not mean that they will utilize what God gives them, but it is our job to pray for them and their families. Jesus did not give any exceptions..
So its a little tricky ground.. We don;t have to like something. We do have to be obedient to the authority we are subject to because it is ordained of GOD...
And there were plenty of despots that have been in authority in this world as you know...
So, lets not be too hard on those who have placed themselves under the headship of Christ.
In the eternal matters, there is only one thing that is of absolute importance, and that is: "what have you done with Jesus?" Is HE reigning in your heart and directing your paths or are we usig our human wisdom???
Eternity awaits us all. IF I were killed by a stray rocket I would be in heaven instantly and far better off than here on earth..
So It may be in ones perspective and the way they think on things...
Just a different viewpooint. Not intended to be ugly or bashing you in particular..
my best,