Sorry to hear of that diagnosis. If you mentioned it before, that specifically, I somehow missed that.
I support what De said: research cutting edge, but perhaps "unproven", medical treatments and, perhaps, the intervention he mentioned in particular. There is commonly a ten year or more gap between an intervention being highly likely effective to the intervention being FDA approved. And most doctors and hospitals will not touch something which doesn't have full FDA backing, no matter how much sense it makes.
It makes sense that a damaged heart keeps trying to repair itself and would benefit from some load being taken off of it.
It is also well known that many, perhaps most, medical conditions can be reversed, to some exent, by things like visualization, intention, and -- yes -- prayer. Nutrition and other less Western interventions can also, sometimes, contribute. Put the odds on your side as much as you can.
You've still got work to contribute or you wouldn't still be here. You can take that last statement as either truth or as positive intention, or both. But I suggest you take it...daily.