Thank you Fiz.
It's kinda a catch 22 because I am also just tired of being operated on. 18 surgeries is enough for anyone in their adult life.
I still am awiting a new knee if I am allowed by the doctors. Likely not this this year. That said, at this point I do not know if I want to go thru that and a lot more therapy and healing process. A colleague of mine just did this a couple months ago. We are same age. He still plays mens basketball in a league and is very fit.
I do not run.. I physically and literally cannot.
So I am a long way from the four sport athlete I was in my younger days with an all city selection in football.
Played class A mens softball into my mid 40's in center field and some third base with a batting average of .725
That is no joke. I was very gifted athletically. SO I was blessed early on and really have no complaints. Just attributable to the aging process.
Thanksfully in Heaven we get a brand new body that looks just like we do here on earth only this one does not decay and become corrupted and break down. We will be seen by others exactly as we appear here.. Only no imperfections or physical problems..
The thing that should give every believer real pause and consideration is standing before the Throne and having to give an account for the gifts and all that He gave for us to be stewards over. Every word we say and every thought we have is also recorded in Heaven and HE knows all of them.
We also get any crowns we have earned so we may cast them at the feet of Jesus as only HE is worthy.. It was only by HIM we are able to live as people of God and follow HIS leading and try to be as Christ was.
We will know and see other friends of ours who have already gone before us because they will look just like they did on earth only without imperfections..
So it is something to look forward to and not to dread. We always tend to fear the unknown things but in this case God gave us enough information that we know when we leave this body and get escorted by our angels into the presence of God in an instant....