me and ribs is going to sit back and watch you guys work on yer goals...... lol!!!!!
We is too old to be concerned over matters like world peace or stealing votes by hook or by crook or harvesting or just printing ballots and checking the box for the democrat running for office. We will however observe from the sidelines when we wake up from our naps and well sated and content with full bellies.. lol!!!!!!
To illustrate the crazy stuff thathappens when ya gets to be an old geezer here is someting interesting.
My kids have been talking about me and miz micro behind our backs and have decided that we need to sell our 100 percent Brick house I designed and built and we have lived comfortably in since 1978.
Their ratioanle is that for some reasonwe need to be a little closer to our oldest daughter for our "older" years. She is only about 4 miles away right now so I am unsure what closer means or why.... Also, there are not many houses for sale over there and we do not want a larger house to pay higher utilities for more room we do not need.
So getting older is an interesting time for many various things that occur, the worst one being your kids think they know what is best for you.. They both have failed to remember their daddy has more education than they do and isn't stupid.. And their mother I would not trade for any other. She is awesome in runnig this household and its finances and has done so for 48 years. She's pretty good at this stuff.
Anyway, I have bigger fish to fry than fretting too much over the criminal to run for office or the illegal votoing that has gone on for years only now it is more open because nobody will do anything to stop it..
So, that is just the perspective of one of the old farts on the board but proud to be here with my brother in arms .