Does that philosophy make me a neocon? Does it make you one? Of course not..
I guess I don't understand why that label...
I am all in favor of letting the Arabs kill off each other. They don't like anybody including themselves. Been that way since Abraham sent Ishmael and his mom away to fend for themselves or die in a desert after he himself sired the boy..
So, I do not understand how it is suddenly I became NeoCon. I always just thought I was a conservative individual who doesn't like left wing radical ideology and the results of it when it has gone so far left nobody can see the end of it..
The right sometimes is not a lot better but at least more people there stand up for American greatness and trying to keep the country Free as the Founders envisioned.
Could you please explain why I am a neocon? I really don't know why you referred to us as that... Thank you!