"My understanding is that the AI programs Google and Micrososft are touting require MASSIVE computing power"
That was the point of my post. Open source tinkering of the code base released from Facebook and others (including, I think OpenAI itself...?) has revealed workarounds which no longer require that sort of horsepower.
So, that led me to thinking about could be done for modest means.
Imagine being able to have an AI process manage your email, searching for spam vs. priority, and then aid in suggested response and priority. Imagine you could ask your AI to search the web 24/7 for the best price on X or Y or Z.... You wouldn't need Google, nor Microsoft any more, or only mininally. Could gut tech as we know it like a fish....especially if YOU know the AI is working for YOU, and not actually for Google/MSoft/the US government elites.