Replies to Msg. #1225221
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43402 Re: RFK causing problems for Deep State, rising poll numbers, visit to the border/ FIZ
   My last sentence on the Kennedy subject. Worthless Turd. Can you s...
micro   6TH POPE   11 Jun 2023
10:12 PM
43389 Re: RFK causing problems for Deep State, rising poll numbers, visit to the border
   ...nuckin futz diagnosis confirmed.
ribit   6TH POPE   11 Jun 2023
6:45 PM
43380 Re: RFK causing problems for Deep State, rising poll numbers, visit to the border/FIZ
   TED had the morals of a wild animal, somewhat akin to John. To me,...
micro   6TH POPE   11 Jun 2023
5:49 PM
43375 Re: RFK causing problems for Deep State, rising poll numbers, visit to the border

I expect seeing his older brother get assassinated BY THE DEEP STATE/ MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL-COMPLEX sobered RFK pretty quickly. In 1967 he decided to run, anyway, certainly knowing he might pay with his life. I expect, at least partially, to seek revenge.

Still, there is the central question of LEADERSHIP. JFK always seemed to have more of that than, IMO, than RFK. But perhaps it is school of hard knocks again?

In a harrowing ordeal, JFK helped ensure the survival of his men, taking actions that would earn him a Navy and Marine Corps Medal and a Purple Heart in World War II.

Leadership ties to character and, also, reflection, penance, to hard-won experience WHICH TESTS BELIEFS AND HEWS TO TRUE VALUES.

I don't know about you, Micro, but I can get embarrassed when I ruminate on all the poor choices I made in the past. Very sobering how many things I got wrong! But those poor choices shaped me, to the extent I acknowledged them and worked to correct my defects.

Which brings us to today. Trump has the executive skills and the passion. He has certainly grown since 2015. He also has a lot of baggage, some remaining narcissistic bad habits, and a lot of unusually focused, utterly ruthless MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX enemies. It is UNLIKELY Trump can win the election.

RFK Jr. is not a kid. He is almost 60. He has a lifetime of hard won experience opposing the Deep State/Fascism and wrestling with his own demons.

You can notice he has cultivated leadership ability -- as, unlike mere charisma, leadership ability has lookback-error-correction features. (See, 21 Laws of Leadership by Maxwell or, perhaps in your case,

You KNOW he is prepared to die on this mission. You also know he may not be a great executive from a Multinational corporation, but he has both executive and Deep State hard-won; hard-tested expertise.

RFK Jr. deserves our consideration IF WE VALUE OUR CONSTITUTION over our juvenile tendencies to hang onto our high school football team loyalties.

It was a miracle that Trump chose to run when he did and, even more, that he didn't chicken out like Perot. It is another miracle that JFK Jr. is deciding to run now, that he is who he is, and that he likely holds the outcome of this game in his hand. Perhaps even more than Trump does, right now.

"The thing that matters most must not be at the mercy of the things which matter less. " -Goethe